Resources for Faculty, Other Academic Appointees, Postdoctoral Researchers and Staff
Prevention Education and Outreach provides the campus community with a wide range of informative and helpful programming aimed at prevention of harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment.
- We host educational workshops, activities, campaigns and events and collaborate with campus partners to ensure a comprehensive approach to prevention education at the University.
- We draw on climate survey results, including analysis of the most recent AAU climate survey results (on sexual assault and misconduct), to inform our educational and outreach efforts. In the AAU climate survey results (2019), the University identified specific populations that have reported experiencing higher rates of sexual harassment and lower rates of engagement with reporting and remedies available.
- We host the Campus Partner Task Force to Prevent Sexual Misconduct. As part of the University’s ongoing commitment to addressing issues of sexual misconduct, the Office of the Provost’s Campus Partner Task Force works towards improving coordination between community leaders and service providers to prevent sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and to ensure a coordinated response both in terms of law enforcement and support services for our campus. Learn more.
Prevention Education Offerings & Resources

Prevention Education Recommendations