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Community Resources

These resources are not a part of UChicago, but can provide support and resources to members of our community.

Community resources in the area

Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline

  • 24/7 advocacy and support, including information about sexual assault examination and evidence collection, referrals to law enforcement, and information about available community resources. Available by phone at 888-293-2080.


  • Medical advocacy, which can include accompaniment to an ER for medical services or for evidence collection, assistance in follow-up medical appointments, and questions about any billing concerns
  • Legal advocacy, which can include talking through available options, such as a Civil No Contact Order or an Order of Protection, as well as connections to legal assistance
  • Counseling specifically for survivors of sexual or relationship violence


  • Medical advocacy, which can include accompaniment to an ER for medical services or for evidence collection, assistance in follow-up medical appointments, and questions about any billing concerns
  • Legal advocacy, which can include talking through available options, such as a Civil No Contact Order or an Order of Protection, as well as connections to legal assistance
  • Counseling specifically for survivors of sexual or relationship violence


  • Free counseling for students who have experienced sexual or relationship violence

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)

  • Free legal services for people who have experienced sexual or relationship violence, including pro-bono representation for investigations

Illinois Legal Aid

  • Free legal services for people in IL, including pro-bono representation for investigations

Culturally specific community resources

Apna Ghar provides services for immigrants who have experienced sexual or relationship violence

Mujeres Latinas en Acción provides services for Latinas who have experienced sexual or relationship violence

Center on Halsted provides services for people in the LGBTQ community who have experienced sexual or relationship violence

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