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Reporting Information for Students

What are the reporting options?

Reporting to UChicago CARES

Students can choose to share information about their experience to UChicago CARES without choosing to file a formal complaint to the University. UChicago CARES will document this experience and may use this information to track trends, patterns of behavior, and assess climate concerns across campus. Generally, we will not take any form of action on these disclosures without the consent of the student impacted by the behavior. However, in very rare circumstances UChicago CARES may need to proceed with an investigation based on the information received.

Formal Complaint to the University

Students can begin the formal complaint process by submitting information using the Report an Incident form.

UChicago CARES staff will contact the student who submitted the report and explain the complaint process, support services, and the resolution options available. If a student then decides to move forward with a formal complaint, the resolution options available depend on the status of the responding party.

For Complaints Against a Student

The following resolution options are available:

Investigation & Administrative Resolution
The Center for Student Integrity conducts an investigation and the matter is resolved by a staff member in the Center for Student Integrity.

Investigation & Resolution by The University-Wide Disciplinary Committee
The Center for Student Integrity conducts an investigation and the matter is resolved through The University-Wide Disciplinary Committee.

Alternative Resolution
Parties voluntarily engage with an impartial Alternative Resolution Facilitator to discuss remedies with the goal of resolving a formal complaint. Alternative Resolution is a non-disciplinary process and does not involve an investigation and does not determine if there has been a violation of University policy. Alternative Resolution seeks to respond to allegations of prohibited conduct, prevent occurrence (or recurrence), and remedy impact in a manner that is acceptable to both parties while maintaining the safety of the campus community.

For more information about resolution options for complaints against students, visit the Resolution Services page, with information on complaints against students, or contact a member of the UChicago CARES team.

For Complaints Against a University Staff Member

The following resolution options are available:

Investigation & Administrative Resolution
Employee and Labor Relations (Human Resources), in conjunction with UChicago CARES, will investigate to determine if a policy violation occurred and will determine any appropriate next steps.

Investigation & Resolution by a Hearing Body (for formal complaints alleging Title IX sexual harassment)
Employee and Labor Relations (Human Resources), in conjunction with UChicago CARES, will investigate, and the matter is resolved through the Title IX Hearing Panel.

For more information about resolution options for complaints against students, visit the Resolution Services page, with information on complaints against staff, or contact a member of the UChicago CARES team.

For Complaints Against a University Faculty Member, Other Academic Appointee, or Postdoctoral Researcher

The following resolution options are available:

Investigation & Administrative Resolution
UChicago CARES will lead an investigation by conducting an inquiry into the facts and determine if a violation of the Policy occurred will determine any appropriate next steps.

Investigation & Resolution by the Panel on Unlawful Harassment
UChicago CARES will investigate, and the matter is resolved through the Panel on Unlawful Harassment.

Alternative Resolution
Parties voluntarily engage with an impartial Alternative Resolution Facilitator to resolve a formal complaint. Alternative Resolution is a non-disciplinary process and does not involve an investigation and does not determine if there has been a violation of University policy.

For more information about resolution options for complaints against students, visit the Resolution Services page, with information on complaints against academics, or contact a member of the UChicago CARES team.

Anonymous Reporting

Students can share information with UChicago CARES anonymously by using the Report an Incident form and omitting identifying information. Please note that our ability to address behavior shared via an anonymous report is very limited.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Students have the option to report their experiences to law enforcement. University of Chicago Police Department can be a resource for students who want to make a police report or receive support from law enforcement. They can also help connect students with the Chicago Police Department, as needed.

No Reporting

Students may choose to not report their experiences further to the University or to law enforcement. It is always the student’s choice whether to engage with UChicago CARES and/or a reporting process.

No matter what the choice – support and resources are available

What if I have been accused?

If you have been named in a formal complaint to the University, you will be notified by UChicago CARES. We are available to assist you in learning about the process, your options, and support services available.

Resources For Respondents

Who on campus is required to report incidents to the University?

University employees not designated as confidential resources are considered “Individuals with Title IX Reporting Responsibilities” and must report all incidents of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking to UChicago CARES. “Individuals with Reporting Responsibilities” means any faculty member, other academic appointee, or staff employee who would be reasonably expected to have the authority or duty to report or take action to redress sexual misconduct. “Individuals with Reporting Responsibilities” include (among others) faculty and instructors, RAs, Resident Heads, Resident Deans, TAs, preceptors, UCPD staff, and all other University staff.

If an incident is reported to UChicago CARES, students can expect to receive an email outreach outlining information on confidential resources, supportive measures, resolution options, and resources and referrals. Students are not obligated to respond to this outreach or engage with the UChicago CAREs team. Individuals can choose not to move forward with resolution options, but still receive support services. In very rare circumstances, UChicago CARES may need to move forward with an investigation based on information already received. If this happens, UChicago CARES will connect with the student impacted to discuss.


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